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See how tools from Google can help you research and tell stories, grow revenue, and better understand your audience.

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Upload and analyze large numbers of documents with the power of Google Search, AI, and machine learning.
Google Earth
See the entire world from wherever you are via satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings and more.
Google Ad Manager
Grow ad revenue and protect your brand wherever people are watching, playing or engaging
Google Search
Research with precision. Simple tools and tips to help you get better results, faster.
Google Looker Studio
Unlock the power of your data with interactive dashboards and beautiful reports
News Tagging Guide
Identify what reader behaviors you should be measuring in Google Analytics and easily generate tags for your site to collect better data and unlock new insights.
Journalist Studio
A collection of tools to empower journalists to do their work more efficiently, creatively, and securely
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Sharpen your skills and learn current best practices with self-paced lessons and workshops.
Case Studies
See how news organizations around the world are growing their news coverage and digital businesses.
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Tools, training, and resources designed in partnership with industry experts, academics, and news organizations around the world.