- chevron_left Strengthen digital journalism
Explore new storytelling formats
Experiment with new ways to visualize stories using new content formats, data, and more.

Featured resources
Explore time-saving methods and digital tools to help verify the authenticity and accuracy of images, videos and reports found on social media and across the web.
In this course, we will look at tools to help you find stories faster.
Safety and Security
Strengthen your digital safety with 2-step verification, password protection and a range of tools to help both freelance journalists and those working within small, medium and large news organizations.
Fighting Misinformation in India
DataLEADS, the India Training Network has trained more than 35,000 Indian journalists
Google Trends: See what’s trending across Google Search, Google News and YouTube.
Google Trends: Understanding the data.
YouTube Creator Academy: Improving your YouTube skills
Visualizing Data: Advanced Tilegrams.
Visualizing Data: Introduction to Tilegrams.
Data Studio: Make interactive data visualizations
Google Sheets: Cleaning data
Google Sheets: Scraping data from the internet
YouTube: A storytelling tool.
Data Source: Global Forest Watch.
Google Sheets: Visualizing data
Google Earth Timelapse: Observing change
Google Earth creation tools: Tell your story across the world
Google Data GIF Maker
Public Data Explorer: Access a world of data.
Dataset Search Quickstart Guide
Google Historical Imagery: Google Earth Pro, Maps and Timelapse
Permissions: Source Google Data.
Data Journalism
From beginner to advanced, strengthen your ability to analyze and interpret data with Google Trends and a range of tools from Google and beyond.
Video: Google Earth and mapping technologies for journalists
Multimedia Storytelling
Explore best practices for YouTube, and learn how to create your own visuals using Google Earth and Google Trends.
Storytelling with Google Earth
Explore how journalists can identify, embed or download imagery from Google Maps, Google Earth and StreetView to help visualize your stories.
Google Data GIF Maker
Visualize simple data comparisons.
Build tiled cartograms to map data.
Visualize data using customizable templates.
Google Trends
Use real-time search data to bring people the stories they’re looking for.
Google Earth
See the entire world from wherever you are via satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings and more.
Tools and resources to assist you in creating and growing your YouTube channel.
Medialivre shifts culture to digital-first
Global Agenda tool puts cross-brand collaboration front and center.
A new audience with online video news bulletins
The West Australian launches “Up Late with Ben Harvey”, in partnership with Google
Gruner + Jahr drives a cultural shift toward AI
Publisher creates cross-team working groups to foster innovation and agility.
Inspiring Pakistan’s youth to make and consume news in new ways
Discover how The Current is putting youth at the heart of its mission to reimagine the newsroom and engage younger audiences
Newsletters win over readers and increase engagement
London-based publisher Reach PLC launches a new email newsletter strategy across the UK, giving popular writers a key role in attracting subscribers.
Digital paper adds to revenue streams with AI
Digital paper adds to revenue streams with AI
News outlet gives younger readers a voice
News daily Público streamlines their user content submission platform, enabling readers to submit more stories while making editors’ lives easier.
Global Media Group increases collaboration between its media brands
Media group centralizes content management and increases publishing efficiency for 13 historic Portuguese news outlets.
Making the truth easier to find
Making the truth easier to find
Developing a market and viability study for new idea
Santa Cruz Local examines the viability of a Spanish-language product
Leading Hindi publisher improves video engagement
Dainik Bhaskar's new Video Tools have been adopted by 86% of the newsroom, increasing Newsroom satisfaction (CSAT) by 4X for Video Producers/Editors and 10X for Reporters
Bridging the Language Gap
"One of the biggest challenges immigrants have is it's harder to get local news, especially in their language. So it's very important for us to be able to help this community." -Rocio Tirado, Chief Operating Officer, Jambalaya News
Democratizing newsroom tech in Latin America
La Diaria launched Utopia, an open-sourced platform to allow small newsrooms to manage their entire business, supporting independent media in Latin America
Fighting Climate Change with Geo-Journalism
Ripples Nigeria is a news platform committed to data-driven environmental reporting
An Experiment in Open Data and Civic Participation
READr explores how to build trust in news through reader engagement and participation
Alma Preta: A new voice for Black media in Brazil
Alma Preta informs Brazilian society from a Black and peripheral racial perspective
Looking for something else?
Develop your digital reporting skills
Use tools and resources to help you find, verify, and tell engaging stories.
Find new ways to fight misinformation
Explore digital tools to help verify the authenticity and accuracy of online images, videos, and reports.
All resources
Tools, training, and resources designed in partnership with industry experts, academics, and news organizations around the world