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Études de cas

Découvrez comment les organismes de presse du monde entier développent leur couverture de l'actualité et leurs activités numériques.


Tou(te)s les études de cas

      • Sélectionnez un pays
      • Afghanistan
      • Afrique du Sud
      • Albanie
      • Algérie
      • Allemagne
      • Amérique du Nord - Régional/Transfrontalier
      • Amérique latine - Régional/Transfrontalier
      • Andorre
      • Angola
      • Anguilla
      • Antarctique
      • Antigua-et-Barbuda
      • Arabie Saoudite
      • Argentine
      • Arménie
      • Aruba
      • Asie-Pacifique - Régional/Transfrontalier
      • Australie
      • Autriche
      • Azerbaïdjan
      • Bahamas
      • Bahreïn
      • Bangladesh
      • Barbade
      • Belgique
      • Bélize
      • Bénin
      • Bermudes
      • Bhoutan
      • Biélorussie
      • Birmanie
      • Bolivie (État Plurinational de)
      • Bonaire, Saint Eustache et Saba
      • Bosnie-Herzégovine
      • Botswana
      • Brésil
      • Bruneï Darussalam
      • Bulgarie
      • Burkina Faso
      • Burundi
      • Cambodge
      • Cameroun
      • Canada
      • Cap-Vert
      • Chili
      • Chine
      • Chypre
      • Colombie
      • Comores
      • Congo
      • Corée du Nord (République populaire démocratique de)
      • Corée du Sud (République de)
      • Costa Rica
      • Côte d'Ivoire
      • Croatie
      • Cuba
      • Curaçao
      • Danemark
      • Djibouti
      • Dominique
      • Égypte
      • Émirats arabes unis
      • Équateur
      • Érythrée
      • Espagne
      • Estonie
      • Eswatini (République d')
      • États-Unis d'Amérique
      • Éthiopie
      • Europe - Régional/Transfrontalier
      • Fidji
      • Finlande
      • France
      • Gabon
      • Gambie
      • Géorgie
      • Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud
      • Ghana
      • Gibraltar
      • Grèce
      • Grenade
      • Groenland
      • Guadeloupe
      • Guam
      • Guatémala
      • Guernesey
      • Guinée
      • Guinée équatoriale
      • Guinée-Bissau
      • Guyane
      • Guyane française
      • Haïti
      • Honduras
      • Hong Kong
      • Hongrie
      • Île Bouvet
      • Île Christmas
      • Île Jan Mayen
      • Île Norfolk
      • Île Pitcairn
      • Île de Man
      • Îles Åland
      • Îles Caïmans
      • Îles Cocos
      • Îles Cook
      • Îles Féroé
      • Îles Heard-et-MacDonald
      • Îles Malouines
      • Îles Mariannes du Nord
      • Îles Marshal
      • Îles Turques-et-Caïques
      • Îles Vierges britanniques
      • Îles Vierges des États-Unis
      • Îles mineures éloignées des États-Unis
      • Inde
      • Indonésie
      • Irak
      • Iran (République Islamique d')
      • Irlande
      • Islande
      • Israël
      • Italie
      • Jamaïque
      • Japon
      • Jersey
      • Jordanie
      • Kazakhstan
      • Kenya
      • Kirghizistan
      • Kiribati
      • Kosovo
      • Koweït
      • Lesotho
      • Lettonie
      • Liban
      • Libéria
      • Libye
      • Liechtenstein
      • Lituanie
      • Luxembourg
      • Macao
      • Madagascar
      • Malaisie
      • Malawi
      • Maldives
      • Mali
      • Malte
      • Maroc
      • Martinique
      • Maurice
      • Mauritanie
      • Mayotte
      • Mexique
      • Micronésie (États Fédérés de)
      • Moldavie (République de)
      • Monaco
      • Mongolie
      • Monténégro
      • Montserrat
      • Moyen-Orient, Afrique, Turquie – Régional/Transfrontalier
      • Mozambique
      • Namibie
      • Nauru
      • Népal
      • Nicaragua
      • Niger
      • Nigeria
      • Niue
      • Norvège
      • Nouvelle-Calédonie
      • Nouvelle-Zélande
      • Oman
      • Ouganda
      • Ouzbékistan
      • Pakistan
      • Palaos
      • Palestine
      • Panama
      • Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
      • Paraguay
      • Pays-Bas
      • Pérou
      • Philippines
      • Pologne
      • Polynésie française
      • Porto Rico
      • Portugal
      • Qatar
      • République arabe syrienne
      • République centrafricaine
      • République de Macédoine du Nord
      • République démocratique du Congo
      • République démocratique populaire lao
      • République dominicaine
      • République tchèque
      • Réunion, La
      • Roumanie
      • Royaume Uni de Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
      • Russie, Fédération de
      • Rwanda
      • Sahara occidental
      • Saint Barthélemy
      • Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès
      • Saint-Marin
      • Saint-Martin (Antilles françaises)
      • Saint-Martin (Royaume des Pays-Bas)
      • Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
      • Saint-Siège
      • Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines
      • Sainte-Hélène, Ascension et Tristan da Cunha
      • Sainte-Lucie
      • Salomon
      • Salvador
      • Samoa
      • Samoa américaines
      • Sao Tomé-et-Principe
      • Sénégal
      • Serbie
      • Seychelles
      • Sierra Leone
      • Singapour
      • Slovaquie
      • Slovénie
      • Somalie
      • Soudan
      • Soudan du Sud
      • Sri Lanka
      • Suède
      • Suisse
      • Suriname
      • Tadjikistan
      • Taïwan (Province de Chine)
      • Tanzanie (République Unie de)
      • Tchad
      • Terres australes et antarctiques françaises
      • Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien
      • Thaïlande
      • Timor Oriental
      • Togo
      • Tokelau
      • Tonga
      • Trinidad et Tobago
      • Tunisie
      • Turkménistan
      • Turquie
      • Tuvalu
      • Ukraine
      • Uruguay
      • Vanuatu
      • Vénézuéla (République Bolivarienne du)
      • Viêt Nam
      • Wallis et Futuna
      • Yémen
      • Zambie
      • Zimbabwe
Trier par :
  • Sélection
  • Du plus récent au plus ancien
  • Du plus ancien au plus récent
Affiner par :
      • Sélectionnez un pays
      • Afghanistan
      • Afrique du Sud
      • Albanie
      • Algérie
      • Allemagne
      • Amérique du Nord - Régional/Transfrontalier
      • Amérique latine - Régional/Transfrontalier
      • Andorre
      • Angola
      • Anguilla
      • Antarctique
      • Antigua-et-Barbuda
      • Arabie Saoudite
      • Argentine
      • Arménie
      • Aruba
      • Asie-Pacifique - Régional/Transfrontalier
      • Australie
      • Autriche
      • Azerbaïdjan
      • Bahamas
      • Bahreïn
      • Bangladesh
      • Barbade
      • Belgique
      • Bélize
      • Bénin
      • Bermudes
      • Bhoutan
      • Biélorussie
      • Birmanie
      • Bolivie (État Plurinational de)
      • Bonaire, Saint Eustache et Saba
      • Bosnie-Herzégovine
      • Botswana
      • Brésil
      • Bruneï Darussalam
      • Bulgarie
      • Burkina Faso
      • Burundi
      • Cambodge
      • Cameroun
      • Canada
      • Cap-Vert
      • Chili
      • Chine
      • Chypre
      • Colombie
      • Comores
      • Congo
      • Corée du Nord (République populaire démocratique de)
      • Corée du Sud (République de)
      • Costa Rica
      • Côte d'Ivoire
      • Croatie
      • Cuba
      • Curaçao
      • Danemark
      • Djibouti
      • Dominique
      • Égypte
      • Émirats arabes unis
      • Équateur
      • Érythrée
      • Espagne
      • Estonie
      • Eswatini (République d')
      • États-Unis d'Amérique
      • Éthiopie
      • Europe - Régional/Transfrontalier
      • Fidji
      • Finlande
      • France
      • Gabon
      • Gambie
      • Géorgie
      • Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud
      • Ghana
      • Gibraltar
      • Grèce
      • Grenade
      • Groenland
      • Guadeloupe
      • Guam
      • Guatémala
      • Guernesey
      • Guinée
      • Guinée équatoriale
      • Guinée-Bissau
      • Guyane
      • Guyane française
      • Haïti
      • Honduras
      • Hong Kong
      • Hongrie
      • Île Bouvet
      • Île Christmas
      • Île Jan Mayen
      • Île Norfolk
      • Île Pitcairn
      • Île de Man
      • Îles Åland
      • Îles Caïmans
      • Îles Cocos
      • Îles Cook
      • Îles Féroé
      • Îles Heard-et-MacDonald
      • Îles Malouines
      • Îles Mariannes du Nord
      • Îles Marshal
      • Îles Turques-et-Caïques
      • Îles Vierges britanniques
      • Îles Vierges des États-Unis
      • Îles mineures éloignées des États-Unis
      • Inde
      • Indonésie
      • Irak
      • Iran (République Islamique d')
      • Irlande
      • Islande
      • Israël
      • Italie
      • Jamaïque
      • Japon
      • Jersey
      • Jordanie
      • Kazakhstan
      • Kenya
      • Kirghizistan
      • Kiribati
      • Kosovo
      • Koweït
      • Lesotho
      • Lettonie
      • Liban
      • Libéria
      • Libye
      • Liechtenstein
      • Lituanie
      • Luxembourg
      • Macao
      • Madagascar
      • Malaisie
      • Malawi
      • Maldives
      • Mali
      • Malte
      • Maroc
      • Martinique
      • Maurice
      • Mauritanie
      • Mayotte
      • Mexique
      • Micronésie (États Fédérés de)
      • Moldavie (République de)
      • Monaco
      • Mongolie
      • Monténégro
      • Montserrat
      • Moyen-Orient, Afrique, Turquie – Régional/Transfrontalier
      • Mozambique
      • Namibie
      • Nauru
      • Népal
      • Nicaragua
      • Niger
      • Nigeria
      • Niue
      • Norvège
      • Nouvelle-Calédonie
      • Nouvelle-Zélande
      • Oman
      • Ouganda
      • Ouzbékistan
      • Pakistan
      • Palaos
      • Palestine
      • Panama
      • Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
      • Paraguay
      • Pays-Bas
      • Pérou
      • Philippines
      • Pologne
      • Polynésie française
      • Porto Rico
      • Portugal
      • Qatar
      • République arabe syrienne
      • République centrafricaine
      • République de Macédoine du Nord
      • République démocratique du Congo
      • République démocratique populaire lao
      • République dominicaine
      • République tchèque
      • Réunion, La
      • Roumanie
      • Royaume Uni de Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
      • Russie, Fédération de
      • Rwanda
      • Sahara occidental
      • Saint Barthélemy
      • Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès
      • Saint-Marin
      • Saint-Martin (Antilles françaises)
      • Saint-Martin (Royaume des Pays-Bas)
      • Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
      • Saint-Siège
      • Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines
      • Sainte-Hélène, Ascension et Tristan da Cunha
      • Sainte-Lucie
      • Salomon
      • Salvador
      • Samoa
      • Samoa américaines
      • Sao Tomé-et-Principe
      • Sénégal
      • Serbie
      • Seychelles
      • Sierra Leone
      • Singapour
      • Slovaquie
      • Slovénie
      • Somalie
      • Soudan
      • Soudan du Sud
      • Sri Lanka
      • Suède
      • Suisse
      • Suriname
      • Tadjikistan
      • Taïwan (Province de Chine)
      • Tanzanie (République Unie de)
      • Tchad
      • Terres australes et antarctiques françaises
      • Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien
      • Thaïlande
      • Timor Oriental
      • Togo
      • Tokelau
      • Tonga
      • Trinidad et Tobago
      • Tunisie
      • Turkménistan
      • Turquie
      • Tuvalu
      • Ukraine
      • Uruguay
      • Vanuatu
      • Vénézuéla (République Bolivarienne du)
      • Viêt Nam
      • Wallis et Futuna
      • Yémen
      • Zambie
      • Zimbabwe
Trier par :
  • Sélection
  • Du plus récent au plus ancien
  • Du plus ancien au plus récent

Créer des espaces sûrs dans les médias latino-américains

Étude de cas

Chicas Poderosas soutient et encourage les journalistes femmes et LGBTQ+

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Mettre en avant les événements sous-représentés

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Réseau de journalistes et d'organismes de presse du Mexique fondé par des femmes

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Améliorer la sécurité routière grâce au journalisme basé sur l'IA

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L'enquête du Boston Globe sur les données du secteur automobile récompensée par le prix Pulitzer

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Défendre l'équité en Australie

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Media Diversity Australia lutte pour plus de diversité dans les médias australiens

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Transformation numérique du journalisme coopératif

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Les coops de l'information est une coopérative de six publications au Québec

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Expérience sur les données ouvertes et la participation citoyenne

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READr se demande comment établir la confiance dans le secteur de l'information en s'appuyant sur l'engagement et la participation des lecteurs

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Lutter contre le changement climatique grâce au géo-journalisme

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Ripples Nigeria est une plate-forme d'actualités qui s'engage en faveur du journalisme environnemental basé sur des données

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Un effort collectif pour lutter contre les fausses informations

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CekFakta représente un effort collectif visant à lutter contre la propagation de fausses informations et de la désinformation.

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Insights sur l'audience Powered by AI

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"Faire fonctionner un site d'actualités sans pouvoir posséder les données utilisateur, voilà le plus gros problème auquel sont confrontés les acteurs du secteur des actualités en Corée." -Seung-Il Kim, Digital Editor of Strategy, The Busan Ilbo

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Lutter contre la désinformation en Inde

Étude de cas

DataLEADS, avec son initiative India Training Network, a formé plus de 35 000 journalistes indiens

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Alma Preta : une nouvelle voix pour la communauté noire dans le paysage médiatique au Brésil

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Alma Preta donne à voir l'actualité au travers du prisme de la communauté noire et des minorités ethniques dans la société brésilienne

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Faire tomber la barrière de la langue

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"L'une des difficultés majeures que rencontrent les migrants, c'est l'accès aux actualités locales, plus particulièrement dans leur langue. Il est donc très important pour nous de pouvoir aider cette communauté." -Rocio Tirado, directrice des opérations, Jambalaya News

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Harnessing AI for Journalism: How Main Media Streamlined Ground Reporting with Pinpoint

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Pinpoint Transformed Main Media’s Newsroom with Faster Transcriptions, Smarter Data Extraction, and AI-Powered Storytelling

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Ringier Slovakia builds out AI to diversify

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Publisher’s automated weather tool captures new users with syndicated content.

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Unlocking Video Success: The ABP Live Story

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48% New Viewers, 43% More Views, 100M+ Minutes

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Push Notifications Drive More Views to Content

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Populis' work culture and approach to engagement were transformed through the Local News Foundry program

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Bonnier News launches GenAI tool in record time

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Swedish media company builds generative AI solution for efficient native content production.

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Medialivre shifts culture to digital-first

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Global Agenda tool puts cross-brand collaboration front and center.

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JoonAng Ilbo Pioneers the Subscription Journalism Era

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Redesign the mobile app with personalized content to strengthen the membership

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Hankyoreh doubles user engagement by revamping mobile app

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Redesign the mobile app with personalized content to strengthen the membership

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Transforming Social Followers to Subscribers

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How The Daily Aus was able to turn social engagement into sustainable growth

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Customer Data Platform (CDP) enables content personalization

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Indian Express Sees Early Success with Data-Driven Personalization

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Creating a more user-centric news experience

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Il Sole 24 Ore’s new site search function helps users find more in-depth information.

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Journalistic Creators Lab 2024

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The GNI Journalistic Creators Lab tackles these challenges by pairing pioneering journalistic creators with skilled coaches, who offer tailored mentorship and consulting throughout the program.

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Le Monde élargit son audience internationale

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Le Monde harnesses AI translation to launch an English-language edition, boosting readership and engagement worldwide.

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Partager des articles pour augmenter le nombre d'abonnements numériques

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Plus d'abonnements pour Lib grâce à sa nouvelle fonctionnalité "Offrir l'article" et son nouveau datawall

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Local News Publications moves to Google Ad Manager

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Significantly growing their digital advertising revenue

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My City Logan delivers strong digital ad presence

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Capitalizing on a strong established readership in the local market.

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Engaging 7NEWS audience through live sport

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A distinctive digital destination for millions of fans at

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BurdaForward app offers refreshing approach to news fatigue

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German media group provides critical information while limiting harmful triggers.

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Account linking improves engagement and retention

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News Corp Australia subscribers with Google-linked accounts have better engagement and retention

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Sanoma steps up account personalization

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Finnish media brand boosts user engagement with My News Service features.

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DEI from the Heart of Japanese Journalism

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How Kyodo News is Transforming Diversity

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A new audience with online video news bulletins

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The West Australian launches “Up Late with Ben Harvey”, in partnership with Google

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ACM grows Audience Engagement and Search Traffic

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Innovative AI-assisted SEO and Personalised Content Recirculation boost engagement

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Dong-A Ilbo increases engagement through improved UX

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Dong-A Ilbo’s revamped website focuses on reader readability, convenience and personalisation.

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Digital hyperlocal Crux applies new ad solutions

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Monetising both hyperlocal and network audiences with direct and programmatic ads

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A Legacy of Ink, A Future of Inclusion

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Mainichi Shimbun's Pursuit of Diversity in Japanese Journalism

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Increase the CVR of the Nikkei Online Edition

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Nikkei uncovered insights to enhance user acquisition effectively by optimizing UI/UX Design.

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Gruner + Jahr drives a cultural shift toward AI

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Publisher creates cross-team working groups to foster innovation and agility.

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Promoting positive discussion to engage readers

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Delfi’s new user-commenting platform uses AI to combat disinformation.

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How Eenadu increased ad fill rate and revenue by 15%

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Eenadu designs new Ad Management System (AMS), increasing revenue.

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Manorama Online 2.5: Enhancing User Experience

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Developing an Enhanced Interface and Experience on Web and e-reader platforms

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Student offer drives high engagement and retention

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Attracting the next generation of subscribers to the West Australian with Reader Revenue Manager.

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Inspiring Pakistan’s youth to make and consume news in new ways

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Discover how The Current is putting youth at the heart of its mission to reimagine the newsroom and engage younger audiences

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Amplifying audience improving Core Web Vitals

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Itatiaia experienced an increase in audience engagement following the optimization of Core Web Vitals metrics.

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US and Canada Pre-launch Lab Cohort 2024

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Google is providing hands-on coaching and curriculum to 25 early-stage digital news and information efforts. Learn about the 2024 U.S. and Canada cohort.

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Periodico AM: Asserting Locality and Immediacy

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Local newspaper in Mexico innovates to better reach their audience.

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El Sol de México: Aligning Processes with Audience Needs

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Participating in the Lab was key in their progress to strengthen their Audience Strategy.

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Stuff, New Zealand news publisher, builds for the future

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Stuff redesigned and rebuilt their site with future-fit technology.

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Spanish media group catches the AI wave

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HENNEO undertakes a wide-ranging initiative to integrate AI across its operations.

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How a digital news site in Uttarakhand grew its digital ad revenue

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Uttra News increases ad revenue by 484% with Progressive Web App technology

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Tuoi Tre Newspapers’ Data-Driven Evolution

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A Vietnamese news publication personalized their reader experience through content analysis and data integration.

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Dong Nai Newspaper Grows Reach and Revenue

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Vietnamese publisher learns more about its readers to successfully boost engagement, and diversify revenue.

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Nghe An Newspaper Boosts Speed and Readership

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Vietnamese publisher participated in the Google News Initiative’s Advertising Lab to enhance their digital transformation.

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NDTV leverages data and ML to drive +24% New User Growth

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NDTV Increases User Engagement by 12% by Implementing Real-Time Newsroom Quality Index and Editorial Checklists.

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The Saturday Paper attracts new subscribers with video

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Video series boosts brand awareness with over 680,000 views and conversion through Reader Revenue Manager.

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Bonnier News growing subscribers through cross-sell opportunities

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Bonnier News growing subscribers through cross-sell opportunities

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ACM grows digital subscriptions with a premium app

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Full featured app incentives farmers to switch to a paid digital subscription

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Building a new reader-first news platform

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Growing visitors and views with a refreshed digital presence and strategy

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Learn how has launched a curated newsletter to further engage with key audience segments abroad.

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GMA Integrated News Digital’s "InoculatED" combats misinformation through pre-bunking, with the help of AI-powered tools for faster content creation.

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Broadcast giant and online leader GMA Network, through its Digital Strategy and Innovation Lab, has won at the latest round of the Google News Initiative (GNI) Asia Pacific Innovation Challenge for a project aimed at fighting misinformation.

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talkSPORT scores more readers with data-driven insights

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News UK and talkSPORT deliver a big win for sports fans across the UK with improved site experiences.

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News18 Boosts Video Success with Optimized Strategy

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Optimizing Videos for Search leads to up to 58% Uplift in Discoverability and 84% increase in Engagement on News18 Sites.

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Centralizing data for actionable insights

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Economedia and Capital leverage data to understand audiences, increase user engagement, and optimize revenue.

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Newsletters win over readers and increase engagement

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London-based publisher Reach PLC launches a new email newsletter strategy across the UK, giving popular writers a key role in attracting subscribers.

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Sakal’s Sign-Ups Skyrocket with Google One Tap

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Google One Tap Unlocks User Sign-Up Floodgates for Sakal

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Enregistrer dans votre compte boosts registrations with refined SSO strategy

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Find out how iNews has accelerated registration uptakes through collecting more first-party data via a reworked Single Sign-On (SSO) strategy.

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Digital paper adds to revenue streams with AI

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Digital paper adds to revenue streams with AI

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Pinpoint Revolutionizes ABP's Reporting: Accuracy, Speed, and Efficiency

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Pinpoint simplifies content deciphering for ABP Network’s editorial desks, enhancing efficiency.

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Engaging audiences with AI-driven newsletters

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Telegraph Media Group uses artificial intelligence to curate newsletter content based on readers’ interests, increasing click-through rates.

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Evolving a project into full-fledged media business

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Startups Lab helps The NRI Nation create the infrastructure to allow for future growth

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Getting creative when crafting employee culture

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Southwest Contemporary learns how to create policies and templates that reflect its artistic spirit

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Polish news site links national football team’s manager with match-fixing mastermind

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Wirtualna Polska uses Pinpoint to analyze 65,000 pages of court documents, proving links between the manager of Poland’s national football team and the architect behind a massive match-fixing scandal.

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Telling stories that matter with a boost from AI

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Podcast platform Suno India is finding novel ways to use technology, including AI-powered Pinpoint, to deliver fearless, in-depth reporting at a community and national level.

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Safeguarding the Amazon with the help of AI

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On a mission to protect the rights of indigenous people in the Amazon, InfoAmazonia used Pinpoint to scan through hours of meeting minutes to build their case.

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Using AI to Keep Communities Informed

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Blue Ridge Public Radio turned to Pinpoint, Google’s AI-powered research tool, to unlock insights from hundreds of records related to a delayed renovation project for unhoused people in North Carolina.

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Gaining confidence in managing money

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Learning how to forecast and budget helps “Clearing a New Path” podcast founder take control of her finances

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India TV's Winning Video Strategy Drives Traffic and Engagement Surge

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India TV's implementation of video optimization best practices led to a significant boost in video discoverability and engagement across Google surfaces.

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NZME launches The Listener subscription vertical

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NZME expands their digital subscription products to include The Listener, increasing ARPU.

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NZME enhances data quality in the newsroom

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NZME adopts Dataform, enhancing data model reliability and quality.

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How Wirtualna Polska uses AI to tackle toxic content on their platform

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In Poland, WP built a moderation engine to provide a safe platform for open discussion

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Optimizing reader journey and engagement with technology

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How one of the world’s leading multimedia publishing groups used a newly developed platform to achieve their greatest goal

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Regional Digital News Media: How Google’s Offerwall helped drive 20% increase in revenue for Sakal Media Group

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Sakal Media experimented with Google Offerwall to build a sustainable revenue stream

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Enriching article information with Article DNA

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How Article DNA is used to influence conversion and retention

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IE Online’s Path to Subscription Excellence

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Architect a subscription platform for active subscriber engagement, acquisition, and retention.

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News outlet gives younger readers a voice

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News daily Público streamlines their user content submission platform, enabling readers to submit more stories while making editors’ lives easier.

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Paywall Content Selection Using AI

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Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung utilizes an AI and ML service to predict which articles will have the best conversion performance

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Growing subscriptions with the help of technology

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Sanoma grew paid subscriptions to over 400,000 by matching customer segments with online revenue streams

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Journalism veterans rally around mental health

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Headlines Network provides journalists and newsroom leaders with workshops and toolkits to safeguard mental health and, by extension, the industry.

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Argentine publisher unifies data across sites

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LA NACION’s single sign-on technology puts their first-party data strategy front and center.

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Robin puts tech in the hands of journalists to scale video production

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Find out how Robin enabled its journalists to create and publish more video – and grow its business in the process.

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Startups Lab India Cohort 2023

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US and Canada Pre-launch Lab Cohort 2023

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Google is providing hands-on coaching and curriculum to 25 early-stage digital news and information efforts. Learn about the 2023 U.S. and Canada cohort.

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News app connects Indonesian publisher with readers

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Disway's mobile app a game-changer for its channel strategy

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Kompas TV boosts audience and revenue with smartphone journalism

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Started in 2011, Kompas TV is an Indonesian TV station with a prolific online digital video and social media presence. It covers national news, politics, sports, and entertainment

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iNews empowers young reporters with smartphone video journalism

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iNews, a leading Indonesian broadcaster with 24 local networks, delivers news, talk shows, magazines, and sports programs nationwide

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Empowering regional journalists, Kumparan uplifts video quality.

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Kumparan is an Indonesian online media platform. Started in 2017, it publishes editorial news and user-generated content from across the country.

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Website performance and revenue grew in 2021

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Radar Cirebon increased revenue by improving website performance with tailored recommendations and insights

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Empowered youth in Yogyakarta through journalism

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Empowered younger citizens in Yogyakarta to share stories through journalism and gained 60% growth in total unique visitors on the website.

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Kompas TV

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Kompas TV invests in smartphone journalism and grows audience and revenue

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Google Identity Services (GIS) integration leads to accelerated acquisition of first-party data

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ABPLIVE deployed Google Identity Services on their eight websites (desktop and mobile) and app to expedite the acquisition of first-party data

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A mobile-first content strategy & UX design

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To bridge the gap between digital consumers and the newsroom, The Hindu created new standards, workflows and metrics, redesigned websites and trained editorial teams.

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Petit Press saves time and money with cloud-based digital asset management

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Petit Press built an open-source publishing system that enables newsrooms to more efficiently manage, store, and distribute digital content.

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Global Media Group increases collaboration between its media brands

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Media group centralizes content management and increases publishing efficiency for 13 historic Portuguese news outlets.

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Making the truth easier to find

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Making the truth easier to find

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Porter plus haut les voix sous-représentées

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La mission de The Oaklandside : informer et faire entendre les voix sous-représentées

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NZME enhances data maturity & audience targeting

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New Zealand publisher increased engagement and optimised registration and subscriber flows, developing a data-led lifecycle & personalised storycards on the NZ Herald.

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Amplifying audience engagement through technology

Étude de cas's audience engagement soars with technical training and content curation

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Indonesian publisher’s numbers up with video and PWA

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JabarEkspres' video advertising and implementation of PWA opened up new audiences and revenue streams

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Sinar Harian develops in-house reader insights training to sustain their digital future

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Find out how the team at Sinar Harian are upskilling their newsroom in data literacy and gaining a better understanding of their audience

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training in Japan

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Digital makeover increases publisher’s revenue

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SWA launches mobile app with monetization features and receives training for web optimization

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Engagement up as Indonesian publisher upskills

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Suara Cirebon's digital transformation drives audience engagement

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Comment La Croix booste la performance des abonnements

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La Croix, quotidien français, passe du papier au numérique

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Inverness Courier diversifies their audience

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Inverness Courier embraces digital change by fostering a culture of experimentation

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How Kauppalehti is growing their female readership

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Kauppalehti engages female readers by using data to tailor content strategies

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The Irish Times increases revenue

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Irish Times accelerates digital growth and successfully extends audience reach

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Boosting El Mundo's subscription base

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El Mundo improves ads & subscriptions amid press ad decline

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El Confidencial caters to younger audiences

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El Confidencial implements a strategy to broaden reach and age demographic

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The Daily Maverick reaches their North Star goal

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Daily Maverick grows their audience in South Africa through data insight

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Pùblico's strategy to increase sub retention

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Público increases reach of digital subscribers through pivotal changes

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Developing a market and viability study for new idea

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Santa Cruz Local examines the viability of a Spanish-language product

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Building a board to turbocharge LBGTQ+ publisher’s growth

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How The Buckeye Flame built a plan for revenue by leveraging their supporters

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Focusing on people operations for innovation and training

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La Converse and École Converse turn an eye to hiring and onboarding processes as they grow

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Shifting a mindset to launch a new revenue strategy

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Thinking holistically about revenue streams helped the Springfield Daily Citizen focus on a new strategy to satisfy multiple business imperatives

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Improving employee retention through systems and documentation

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Taproot Publishing launched an employee intranet portal in their quest to grow and retain remote team members

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Building a succession plan

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LebTown lays the groundwork to hire a managing editor

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Focusing a revenue strategy on social audiences

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Queerency’s Travers Johnson makes an unconventional choice for LGBTQ+ publication

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Building a roadmap to revenue growth

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Financial planning helps Anchor Media expand revenue operations

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Le Figaro accélère le recrutement de ses abonnements digitaux

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Taking control of organizational finances

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The GNI Startups Lab helped The Record co-founder develop a new skill set and gain confidence

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Exploring the right financial structure and processes for growth

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Exploring the right financial structure and processes for growth

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Enacting tactics to grow revenue and subscriber base

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Armed with new confidence, the Burlington Buzz sets new revenue and audience goals

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Leading Hindi publisher improves video engagement

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Dainik Bhaskar's new Video Tools have been adopted by 86% of the newsroom, increasing Newsroom satisfaction (CSAT) by 4X for Video Producers/Editors and 10X for Reporters

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India Today increases eCPM by leveraging First Party Data

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India Today Group, builds “1View“ - a Customer Data Platform (CDP) effectively leveraging first-party data, to increase audience engagement and eCPM by +20%.

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NZME Streamlines CMS and Newsroom Workflows

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NZME upgraded its core publishing content management system (CMS) to streamline workflows, improve performance, reduce complexity, and increase user engagement.

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NZME launches Enriched Content Subscription

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NZME launched a new subscription, VIVA Premium, opening up a new market for subscriber growth, a cornerstone of NZME’s publishing strategy.

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Le Figaro boosts its digital subscriptions

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AI is boosting Forbes’ publishing capabilities

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Forbes.CZ is deploying AI-powered tools to help optimise its online content and support journalists

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Spanish newspaper creates a daily podcast to engage users

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El Mundo partnered with Google to build in-house infrastructure & onboard new talent to create a daily podcast.

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Company-wide participation in the Women Will Leadership Program

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Social media newswire vets user-generated content for reporters

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Storyful advances quality journalism and battles disinformation by sourcing, verifying, and publishing content from breaking news stories, and viral videos

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An inside look into ABS-CBN’s culture of data-centricity

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Find out how ABS-CBN is developing a culture of data-centricity by embedding insights inside their daily activities and processes

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Thai publisher’s data-driven strategy to build a more engaged and loyal subscriber base

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Thairath's data-driven initiative enables teams to analyze key data on reader behavior to improve content strategy

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The Straits Times developed initiatives to grow untapped audiences by experimenting with new channels and new content

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Learn more about the way The Straits Times is hoping to drive engagement with a new audience, by rethinking channels as a product rather than a means of distribution

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La croissance numérique d'une institution communautaire

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Depuis 130 ans, l'AFRO informe ses lecteurs des bonnes nouvelles concernant la communauté noire qui ne sont pas relayées par ailleurs. Grâce à son partenariat avec Google, l'AFRO a acquis de nouvelles compétences pour générer plus de revenus issus du numérique, ce qui va lui permettre de pérenniser sa mission.

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Malaysian online news site boosts engagement and subscriptions

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Creating a thriving community to drive engagement and revenue

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New Zealand business publication increases paid subscribers

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End-of-year trial campaign through Subscribe with Google increased individual subscriber base by 25% and increased trial conversion rate by 66%

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Kannada daily newspaper sees an increase in its digital ad revenue

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After optimizing its site performance, Udayavani experienced a significant boost in its digital ad revenue, with a 102% increase

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Conflict zone immersion through XR technology

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Frontline in Focus uses extended reality (XR) and other storytelling tools to depict the impact of war on civilians, particularly children & families.

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El Mundo creates a daily podcast to engage users

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How we partnered with G+J to make the launch of digital subscription products more affordable and reduce the time-to-market for smaller brands

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Constructing the financial structure to grow a news business

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The Border Chronicle readies for growth after exiting incubator program

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Digital Indian publisher increases page views

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By optimizing its core web vitals, AP7AM was able to improve its page speed score by 78%

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Mumbai publisher increases digital advertising revenue

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Mid-Day's digital advertising revenue increased by 25% after they enhanced their core web vitals

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German publisher diversifies revenue with audience engagement

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German publisher diversifies revenue with audience engagement

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South China Morning Post’s data-driven approach boosts user engagement

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South China Morning Post’s data-driven approach boosts user engagement

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Feminist publication forges new connections

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Minnesota Women’s Press learns more about their readers and creates new content packages, attracting underwriting and individual contributions.

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FOPEA moves to change the face of Argentine media

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Innovative youth outreach provides training and internships to aspiring journalists from under-represented communities.

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How local news can help publishers drive revenue

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How local news can help publishers drive revenue

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How EBRA made customer experience its top priority

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How EBRA made customer experience its top priority

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Digital transformation through future-proof data

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Digital transformation through future-proof data

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Gruner + Jahr developed a whitelabel platform to grow subscriptions

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How we partnered with G+J to make the launch of digital subscription products more affordable and reduce the time-to-market for smaller brands

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Le Monde launched Le Monde Ateliers

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Le Monde diversifies its revenues by launching a masterclass program

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Taiwanese Magazine increases membership acquisition

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Newly built dashboard increased engagement with active users and drove new membership acquisition

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Australian broadcaster increases engagement

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Redesigned and expanded entertainment and lifestyle verticals encouraged increased content production and drove efficiencies across business

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Diario colombiano lanza incubadora de talento

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El Tiempo necesitaba más personal con conocimiento tecnológico. Por eso, creó un programa de reclutamiento y capacitación para atraer a los recién graduados universitarios al sector de las noticias.

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Un journal augmente ses revenus grâce aux vidéos YouTube

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Publiant jusqu'à 40 nouvelles vidéos par jour, le journal mexicain El Universal a adopté le lecteur pour les éditeurs de YouTube sur toutes ses propriétés pour diffuser l'actualité et engager son audience.

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Periódico aumenta ingresos con videos de YouTube

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Gracias a la integración del Reproductor para editoriales de YouTube en todos sus sitios, El Universal de México logra distribuir noticias y captar el interés de los usuarios publicando hasta 40 videos nuevos por día.

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Un quotidien colombien lance un incubateur de talents numériques

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El Tiempo avait besoin de personnel plus compétent dans les domaines technologiques. Le journal a donc créé un programme de recrutement et de formation pour attirer les jeunes diplômés vers le secteur de l'information.

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Democratizando la tecnología de redacción

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La Diaria democratiza la tecnología de las redacciones en América Latina

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Démocratiser l'accès aux technologies de salle de rédaction en Amérique latine

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La Diaria soutient les médias indépendants en Amérique latine en lançant Utopia, une plate-forme Open Source qui permet aux petites rédactions de gérer l'intégralité de leur activité

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La Diaria

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Daily Maverick is a South African daily online publisher serving up a unique blend of news, investigations, expert political analysis, and opinion. Since its founding in 2009, the publication has set itself apart with a distinctive editorial voice and a strong focus on investigative reporting.

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Des journalistes latino-américains se forment au journalisme numérique

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South China Morning Post serves personalized content to users based on User Types

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Robin puts tech in the hands of journalists to scale video production

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Promouvoir un journalisme de qualité en Amérique latine

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Le Monde diversifies revenues by launching a masterclass program

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Des élèves d'Amérique latine apprennent à repérer les informations incorrectes

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Movilizatorio est un "laboratoire de participation citoyenne et d'innovation sociale qui renforce le leadership collectif en tant que moteur de transformation". Basée à Bogota avec des bureaux à Mexico, Buenos Aires et New York, l'organisation met en relation des personnes du monde entier afin qu'elles collaborent et induisent des changements positifs. Elle a dirigé les efforts de création du programme DigiMENTE.

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HT Digital Streams Ltd. creates first party data through a Customer Data Platform

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A Chilean startup helps newsrooms grow their audiences

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As a former journalist and newsroom editor, Miguel Paz, CEO and Founder of Reveniu, knows how difficult it can be to develop technical solutions. Being part of a small organization focused on producing good journalism doesn't always leave the time or resources to develop advanced tools or platforms to drive audience revenue but here’s how this team succeeded.

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The News Minute turns fans into members

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In a country as large and diverse as India, it’s difficult to represent everything happening on any given day. This is what motivated journalists to launch The News Minute (TNM) in 2014. From its beginnings, TNM has been a media platform reporting from, and about, South India, often for an out-of-country audience. It has also emerged as a strong feminist voice in Indian media, setting the standards for sensitive and on-the-ground coverage of issues related to children and women.

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The media platform helping Indonesians donate for good

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As an avid news reader, Andrias Ekoyuono, Chief of Corporate Strategy at kumparan, would read stories in the media every day about social problems and natural disasters. This made him want to help by donating to those in need but was difficult because he had to search for other websites that could channel the funds. He decided that the experience of giving donations after reading the news should be easier.

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Crime reporting gets a boost in readers: A GNI Journey

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D.C. Witness developed a new approach to criminal justice journalism to try to address issues of accountability. Traditional crime reporting can give an incomplete and warped view of what’s really going on, often based on only the most salacious cases. Instead, D.C. Witness reports on every step of every homicide from act to judicial resolution. This offers a distinct perspective across the entire criminal justice landscape.

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Designing a new local product for French urban readers

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When Pascal Brouet, EBRA COO and Local Pulse Project Director. took on the job of leading digital transformation for the French local daily newspaper group EBRA in 2018, print circulation was falling. The challenge for its future was revealed in the data — while circulation in the countryside was holding up, there was a sizable opportunity for expansion in metropolitan areas. And so a three-pronged internal project (at that time code-named “Local Pulse”) was conceived.

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From rural India to the world: These women make the news

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The journalists at Khabar Lahariya have been embedded in rural areas of India for close to 20 years where the team of mostly young women live and breathe their work in the thick of the community. They’ve created ways for international organizations, such as universities and NGOs, to subscribe to their content on a ‘bulk’ basis, where organizations purchase a subscription for their employees, students or partners.

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The biggest lesson from a local news startup: listen

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Kelsey Ryan, founder and publisher of The Beacon, first started thinking about launching a digital news startup for Kansans and Missourians after getting laid off in 2018. She envisioned an investigative-only outlet but that’s very different from how The Beacon looks today. Here’s why.

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Sirius: A publishing system for Le Monde and beyond

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In this story, Sacha Morard, CTO of Le Monde Group, shares learnings from the project to create a content management system to handle the creation of both print and digital content. With the launch of Sirius it took the newsroom into a digital future.

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Egab - The journey to build a news product is far from linear

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When Dina Aboughazala, founder of the journalism marketplace Egab, spoke to people in her home country of Egypt, they were actively avoiding the news. Many young people in their 20s and 30s wanted to leave because it was full of problems. As someone with an editorial, journalistic background, she felt moved to act.

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Le Daily Maverick transforme les données en revenus

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Le Daily Maverick est un éditeur en ligne sud-africain qui propose quotidiennement des actualités, mais aussi des enquêtes, des analyses d'experts en politique, et du contenu d'opinion. Depuis sa fondation en 2009, sa publication se distingue par sa ligne éditoriale caractéristique et l'importance accordée au journalisme d'investigation.

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Dong-A Ilbo Uses Google Analytics to Increase Newsletter Conversion Rate by 243%

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Ebra cuts churn and grows subscribers 110%

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Denik N and Dennik N grow reach and subscriptions

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The Post and Courier experienced a 268% increase in leads after launching paid sports newsletters

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Nusadaily improves page views by 160% with Web Stories

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Ulasan increases revenue by 43% with AMP

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Majalah Teras welcomes 1,200 new users with Core Web Vitals optimization

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Akurat boosts user engagement & increases page speed score by 40% with Core Web Vitals

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RadarCirebon increases revenue by 99% using Core Web Vitals & Web Stories

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Tempo grows reach and revenue using Subscribe with Google

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Tempo grows reach and revenue using Subscribe with Google

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Gruner + Jahr drives sales with digital subbrands

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Bonnier uses data to unite a portfolio of brands

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La Nacion uses data to optimize content and gain subscribers

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Henneo unites publishers on a first-party data platform

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Henneo brings together publishers to build a first-party data platform

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Food for Mzansi trains 62 citizen journalists in South Africa

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"Citizen journalists are literally at the center of the community. They make sure that these stories in these rural areas are really told on a national platform." -Duncan Masiwa, Sinelizwi Project Lead, Food for Mzansi

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Établir une relation plus profonde avec son audience

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Energetic City a utilisé News Consumer Insights pour créer des stratégies personnalisées

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Taiwanese publisher uses bespoke model to boost reader engagement.

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Crowd-sourced storytelling on READr drives engagement and provides access to reliable information in an aim to build a better Taiwan.

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Success Story Page 2

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The Young Turks

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The Young Turks creates an online training program to empower aspiring local digital video journalists

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The Washington Post

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The Washington Post develops a new industry-standard taxonomy for video fact checking

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VTC Digital Content Center

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VTC establishes a dedicated digital video newsroom and drives channel growth

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Vox experiments with YouTube memberships to deepen relationships with loyal fans

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Video Volunteers

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Video Volunteers upskills community journalists to help them tell local stories that appeal to wide audiences

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El Universal

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To accelerate digital video growth, the Mexican publisher integrated YouTube’s customizable video player into its O&O sites

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tvOne invests in digital video capabilities and partners with new creatives to reach younger audiences

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TVO invests in digital video capabilities to give underrepresented Indigenous groups and communities an online voice

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TV Asahi

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TV Asahi integrates YouTube and Google maps in a new website to commemorate the March 2011 earthquake

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Tribune leans into digital video and gives underrepresented people and issues a voice

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TKM finds innovative ways of video news storytelling to engage young audiences

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Telemundo formulates plan to test Youtube-first series to engage a new audience

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De Telegraaf

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Telegraaf Media Groep built a YouTube strategy around content and Partner Sales to increase their revenue

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TBS develops a virtual newscaster to more efficiently create digital video content and reach younger audiences

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Telefe Noticias

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Telefe Noticias centralizes digital video workflows to help newsrooms efficiently and effectively tell local stories

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Sure and Share Center (MCOT)

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Sure and Share Center launches a new YouTube channel to publish fact checking videos

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Stern experiments with content formats to drive engagement with younger viewers

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SPIEGEL TV combines archival footage with bespoke digital video content to test new formats and engage younger audiences

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ShepHertz helps regional publishers across India with digital video transformations

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ProPublica unleashes the power of digital video for investigative journalism

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Rogue Rocket

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YouTube creator Phil DeFranco launches a new brand and channel to expand news network

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Grupo Reforma transition to a multimedia newsroom and grows its audience

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Refinery29 empowers digital video journalists and experiments with new formats

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Postmedia creates a new video-first brand to connect with younger audiences

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PBS NewsHour evolves digital video to meet the demands of today's audiences

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Nyoooz develops an app to help local Hindi-speaking field reporters more easily create video content

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NOS experiments with digital-first formats and forges strong connections with viewers

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Nexo Jornal

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Nexo invests in digital video capabilities to increase YouTube presence and grow audience

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The New York Times

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The New York Times leans into YouTube's audience engagement features to drive growth

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NDTV aligns TV and digital video to drive platform interactivity and audience engagement

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NBC News

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NBC News introduces new AR capabilities to enhance news content

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Narasi empowers investigative reporters and community correspondents, and drives channel growth

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MyNews experiments with formats, channel memberships, and new partnerships to drive sustainable growth

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Grupo Milenio experiments with an evergreen 'soft' news format to engage new audiences

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Étude de cas invests in digital video capabilities and engages the Hausa-language community

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kumparan empowers regional journalists and increases the quality of video content published on its platform

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JTBC integrates digital video into its newsroom and tests new formats to engage younger readers

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Jovem Pan

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Jovem Pan undergoes a digital video transformation to grow its multi-platform news content

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iNews trains hundreds of young reporters to publish news videos shot on smartphone

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Imagen Digital experiments with digital-first video formats to better engage YouTube audiences

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HugoDécrypte experiments with new formats to make news and current affairs more accessible to younger audiences

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HTV integrates digital video into its TV newsroom and launches a YouTube news channel

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The Hill

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The Hill invests in building its YouTube channel to better engage audiences and drives impressive growth

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India Today

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India Today expands eight local channels under the "Tak" brand and grows its digital audience

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The Guardian

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The Guardian invests in digital video to drive audience growth

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Grupo América

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Grupo América transitions from a traditional media publisher to a digital-first organization

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Graham Media Group overhauled technology infrastructure to empower local newsrooms

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The Guardian Nigeria

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The Guardian Nigeria builds a digital newsroom and establishes their voice in the digital video news space

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GMA Network

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By leaning into digital-first video, GMA reinvigorates their traditional media brand, engages a new audience, and reduces production costs

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Global News

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Global News restructures their digital video team and experiments with new formats to grow channel

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Gedi makes live video the cornerstone of its digital offering and drives growth across brands

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Gaon Connection

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Gaon Connection expands its rural journalism initiative and gives a voice to community journalists throughout India

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Fox News

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Fox leans into latest YouTube tools and features to grow subscribers and revenue

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FiveThirtyEight doubles down on its YouTube presence to drive channel growth

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The Financial Times

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The Financial Times hones its digital video strategy and explores new formats to grow audience loyalty

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Filo.News expands digital video capabilities, experiments with new formats, and sees huge audience growth

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Factly uses digital video to make complex government policies and processes accessible to a broad audience

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Eyewitness News

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EWN invests in digital video capabilities to increase the quality and quantity of video production

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Europa Press

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News agency Europa Press empowers reporters to transition from text to multimedia reporting

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The Economist

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The Economist tests a multi-format content strategy and drives huge channel growth

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Eastern Broadcasting Company

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EBC leans into livestreaming and increases audience engagement and revenue

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DataBaaz uses data-driven digital video storytelling to highlight important issues to Indian youth

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Dagbladet uncovers the formula for live breaking news and significantly grows audience

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Complex Networks experiments with new formats to bring hard news topics to life

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Ciaopeople invests in digital video capabilities to go live 24/7

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Channels TV

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Channels TV lays the foundation for sustainable digital video operations

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CBS News

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CBS News develops an app feature to alert audiences about live events and breaking news

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BuzzFeed News

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BuzzFeed News builds a video newsroom and experiments with formats to improve YouTube performance and grow subscriber base

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Brut adapts its content formats to deepen engagement with the YouTube audience

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Digital native BhaDiPa engages young people in news and current affairs through live stream town halls and infotainment formats

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Bloomberg creates high performing video formats for audio podcasts

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Band integrates a diverse video team into its newsroom and creates digital-first content to engage young audiences

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Atresmedia leans into native digital video and grows online audience

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The Atlantic

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The Atlantic experiments with content formats to help grow YouTube subscriber base

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Asianet News

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Asianet News develops an AI translation engine to automatically convert videos into different Indian vernacular languages

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Thairath creates an online marketplace for digital news footage to empower freelancers and broadcasters

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Arena Holdings

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Arena Holdings invests in human resources, technology, and training to elevate the quality of their digital journalism

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Advance Local

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Advance tests a new digital video format to tell stories that engage local audiences

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ABS-CBN embraces digital video and explores new ways of engaging audiences

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How personalization helped media publisher Astro double its content engagement in Malaysia

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Astro doubles content engagement with a personalized approach to content recommendation.

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Sky: Scaling for success with Sky Q diagnostics

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Sky News sets Guinness world record for live video streams using Google Cloud Platform.

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The Motley Fool increases order page conversion rate by 26% with Optimize 360

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The Motley Fool increases order page conversion rate by 26% with Optimize 360.

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El Mundo improves user ratings and engagement with Material Design

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El Mundo improves user ratings and engagement with Material Design.

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The Telegraph: Delivering the future of news today

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Telegraph Media Group builds enterprise data warehouse for real-time data analytics using Google Cloud Platform.

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Forbes: Transforming digital business publishing

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Forbes: Transforming digital business publishing

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PRISA Group: Breaking news and driving engagement with better analytics

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PRISA Group: Breaking news and driving engagement with better analytics

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Enregistrer dans votre compte connects offline and online shopping experiences with Google Play Billing

Étude de cas connects offline and online shopping experiences with Google Play Billing.

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Android Developer Story: Nabd improves reader engagement with Material Design

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Nabd improves reader engagement with Material Design.

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View and analyze your app's ratings and reviews

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The Economist Espresso increases ratings by launcing ratings requests.

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AMP helps the Washington Post increase returning users from mobile search by 23%

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Washington Post increase returning users from mobile search by 23% with help from AMP.

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Reddit is creating web pages that load almost instantly by leveraging AMP.

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AMP makes Gizmodo 3x faster on mobile

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Gizmodo gets 3x faster on mobile with AMP.

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Slate gets efficient with AMP

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Slate gets efficient with AMP.

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Hearst integrates key partner and product solutions on AMP

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Hearst integrates key partner and product solutions on AMP.

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Forbes - Redefining Modern Web Development

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Redefining Modern Web Development.

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AMP Camp

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Noteworthy AMP pages on the web, using key AMP features.

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Wired AMP’s its 20+ year archive to meet audiences online

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Wired AMPs its 20+ year archive to meet audiences online.

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Jagran New Media boosts traffic by 115% and revenue by 4.5X by expanding AMP strategy

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Jagran New Media boosts traffic by 115 percent and revenue by 4.5X by expanding AMP strategy.

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Our holistic approach to partnering with Hearst Newspapers to meet its business needs

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A holistic approach to our partnership with Hearst Newspapers

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Built by you. Powered by us. Experienced by billions.

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Aftenposten improves retention by allowing readers to customize notifications.

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Product Innovation with the New York Times

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How the New York Times and Google collaborate to drive technological innovation

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Enregistrer dans votre compte uses a paired AMP approach for their free articles

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Asahi Shimbun Digital: Improving monetization of digital newspaper while designing for speed and UX

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KG Media’s AMP optimizations resulted in a 34% uplift in overall mobile web revenue and a 6.3x increase in monthly AMP revenue

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KG Media: The path to building great experiences for Indonesian users with AMP

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Volkswagen and EL PAÍS increase conversions by 76% with the first end-to-end AMP campaign

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Volkswagen and EL PAÍS increase conversions by 76% with the first end-to-end AMP campaign.

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RCS MediaGroup reports good news with AMP and PWA

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RCS MediaGroup reports good news with AMP and PWA.

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Promoting Digital Sustainability by Driving User Loyalty and Engagement

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Portale Bambini promotes digital sustainability by driving user loyalty and engagement.

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Lesson from GNI Audience Lab Member Bridge MI on growing loyal readers

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Bridge Michigan grows loyal readers through GNI Audience Lab

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Amplify Social Traffic with Sharing Icons

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Amplify Social Traffic with Sharing Icons

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Driving Returning and Engaged Users with Web Push Notifications

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Driving Returning and Engaged Users with Web Push Notifications

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Sankei Digital enabled data-driven decision making to assess website engagement, user consumption, and pave the path to subscriptions

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Sankei Digital enabled data-driven decision making to assess website engagement, user consumption, and pave the path to subscriptions

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How local news publishers engage with digital transformation and build sustainable business models in Japan

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How local news publishers engage with digital transformation and build sustainable business models in Japan

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NZME boosts engagement with a bespoke content recommendation engine

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NZME boosts engagement with a bespoke content recommendation engine

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Complex Networks increased the number of shoppers purchasing by 300% on the Complex SHOP using NCI

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Complex Networks increases purchases by 300% using News Consumer Insights

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Jagran New Media increases user engagement with a content planning big data solution

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Jagran used a content planning solution to improve user engagement across valuable user segments

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Buzzing towards victory with native: BuzzFeed on DFP

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BuzzFeed uses DoubleClick to support its international mobile growth.

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Turkish News Brand Milliyet Creates New Revenue Stream with DoubleClick

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Milliyet creates a new revenue stream for their business using DoubleClick products.

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Android Developer Story: The New York Times

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The NY Times uses Google Play Billing to maximize subscriber growth.

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iLMeteo forecasts Mobile growth, uses DoubleClick to monetise accordingly

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Il Meteo uses DoubleClick to successfully monetise their website and apps.

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The Telegraph Embraces DoubleClick's Programmatic Solutions to Increase Revenue by 126%

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The Telegraph increases revenue by 126% with Ad Exchange.

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Using private marketplaces in Ad Exchange, Condé Nast revenue leaps 800%

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Condé Nast revenue leaps 800% using private marketplaces in Ad Exchange.

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G+J doubles programmatic and mobile revenue

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G+J doubles programmatic revenue and 10X mobile revenue growth.

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Postmedia increases direct sales efficiency with Programmatic Guaranteed

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Postmedia increases direct sales efficiency with Programmatic Guaranteed.

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Improving yield, speed and control with DoubleClick for Publishers First Look and exchange bidding

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Gannett maximizes demand for all their inventory with First Look.

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Growing engagement with native ads: The New York Times’ approach

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The New York Times grows engagement with Native Ads.

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Aller Media increases viewability with Native Ads on Google Ad Manager

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Aller Media increases viewability with Native Ads on DoubleClick.

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The Economist Boosts its Digital Business with DoubleClick

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The Economist boosts its digital business management with DoubleClick.

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Google Surveys 360: BuzzFeed Case Study

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BuzzFeed uses Google Surveys 360 to test ad effectiveness.

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Android Developer Story: Le Monde increases subscriptions with Google Play Billing

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Le Monde increases subscriptions with Google Play Billing.

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Google Surveys: Empowering digital journalism with the Trinity Mirror

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The Trinity Mirror uses Google Surveys to support their editorial and monetization strategy.

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Clarin, Havas, and Clorox team up to deliver high-impact ads with Programmatic Guaranteed

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Clarin, Havas, and Clorox team up to deliver high-impact ads with Programmatic Guaranteed

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Grupo Reforma boosts conversion rates by 43% using Subscribe with Google

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Grupo Reforma boosts conversion rates by 43% using Subscribe with Google.

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Unidad Editorial grows mobile CTRs 4x with cross-screen Native Ads on DoubleClick

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Unidad Editorial grows mobile CTRs 4x with cross-screen Native Ads on DoubleClick.

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Winning The Breaking News Battle With AMP and Google News

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10up uses AMP and Google News Sitemap to increase performance for breaking news stories

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Indonesian Publishers Optimize and Monetize Their Websites, Resulting in a 95% Uplift in Digital Revenue

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Indonesian publishers optimize and monetize their websites, resulting in a 95% uplift in digital revenue

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Programmatic Guaranteed with custom creatives delivers scale for Vox Media

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Programmatic Guaranteed with custom creatives delivers scale for Vox Media.

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Android Developer Story: Domain increases installs by 44% with Material Design and Google Play services

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Australia's leading real estate organization is using native ads to grow revenue, increase operational efficencies and provide adverstisers with more engaging formats.

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Making a Case for Programmatic

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Making a Case for Programmatic

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Sanoma: Serving Subscriptions With the Help of Technology

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Voice of San Diego pivots its signature live event into a virtual summit, growing attendance and revenue

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Voice of San Diego identifies new audience, revenue opportunities with virtual events

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Voice of San Diego pivots its signature live event into a virtual summit, growing attendance and revenue

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essen & trinken gets foodies cooking across surfaces using Subscribe with Google

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essen & trinken used Subscribe with Google to find a creative tech solution for a user need.

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Define Your Channel's Voice (ft. Vox)

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Publishers use YouTube to fuel their storytelling and reach new audiences.

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How journalists can tell compelling stories using VR

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How journalists can tell compelling stories using VR.

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When computers learn to swear: Using machine learning for better online conversations

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Using machine learning for better online conversations.

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Flourish helps journalists create easy data visualizations

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Flourish helps journalists create easy data visualizations.

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What the Guardian Learned From Its Groundbreaking VR Piece

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What the Guardian Learned From Its Groundbreaking VR Piece.

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Fact Checking the French Election with CrossCheck, A Collaborative Reporting Initiative

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Fact Checking the French Election with CrossCheck, A Collaborative Reporting Initiative.

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Electionland: A deeper look into our first collaborative reporting initiative

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A look at Electionland, a collaborative reporting initiative to cover the US election.

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A seat at the table: Google News Lab & Euronews talk to French voters in 360

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Euronews & VR Stoytelling during the European elections in 2017.

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Impacto.jor: uma coalizão para medir o impacto do jornalismo no Brasil

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Impacto.jor: A coalition to measure the impact of journalism in Brazil.

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A new machine learning app for reporting on hate in America

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A new machine learning app for reporting on hate in America.

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Building trust online by partnering with the International Fact Checking Network

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Building trust online by partnering with the International Fact Checking Network.

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The Washington Post: Combining world-class journalism with the latest technology

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The Washington Post: Combining world-class journalism with the latest technology

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Experimenting with VR at the South China Morning Post

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Google News Lab and the South China Morning Post partnered to create an immersive virtual reality project tracing the history of Hong Kong from British Rule to present day.

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Rappler empowered its news organization with better user data to achieve digital sustainability

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Rappler leverages GNI Data tools to achieve sustainable digital growth. The team uses News Consumer Insights (NCI) to improve reader loyalty and Realtime Consumer Insights (RCI) to optimize content and distribution strategies.

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Reader Engagement leads to 10x Programmatic Revenue

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Portale Bambini & ExMarketplace use News Consumer Insights to understand its audience, drive user loyalty and optimize ad revenue.

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Dainik Jagran improved engagement during India’s General Election by Taking advantage of a cultural moment

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Dainik Jagran uses News Consumer Insights (NCI) and Realtime Consumer Insights (RCI) to boost engagement strategy during India’s 2019 General Election.

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Netzwelt boosts engagement with a site redesign informed by News Consumer Insights

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To optimize for reader loyalty, Netzwelt used the NCI tool and analytical framework to inform their site redesign.

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Project FUSE and Local Media Consortsium: Helping news publishers leverage first party data

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Digital Transformation and Local News Media

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Johnston Press drove engagement through newsletter subscriptions

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Johnston Press is one of the biggest publishers in the UK regional press with 300 weekly newspapers, 18 daily titles and 323 local websites. Each month their news brands touch the lives of more than 29m people across our publishing regions, delivering extensive coverage of local news, events and information

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WRAL boosted newsletter signups

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In partnership with News Consumer Insights, drove +15% newsletter subscribers over the past 12 months.

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News & Media Group reached new users

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Lee Enterprises Tripled Digital Subscriptions

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Business Insider grew their subscription business

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Buzzfeed News launched a contribution model

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The New Yorker improved their subscription performance

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Village Media improves their overall reader engagement

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Proto Thema expanded audience outreach through new channels

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Klix increased engagement through better understanding their readers

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TIME improves user engagement by 40% with help from the Google News Initiative

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Complex Networks increases purchases by 300% using News Consumer Insights

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San Francisco Chronicle improves mobile subscriptions rate by 54% with help from News Consumer Insights.

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